Milwaukee Places

Milwaukee Bars
Milwaukee WWW
Milwaukee Places
Milwaukee Food




The Oriental

Alterra Coffee Roasters

The Fuel Cafe

2230 N. Farwell Ave

2221 N. Prospect Ave.

818 East Center Street
This most ornate local theater now screens arthouse pictures for the Landmark chain. Dates from the 1920s and features towering Turkish towers. They make the coffee right in the back room and bring it to you via a system of pulleys. That and the best aromas in town are why it's almost always packed. A sign in the window trumpets "Great Coffee, Lousy Service" in this Riverwest spot that seethes with energy in Milwaukee's most diverse neighborhood.

The Times Cinema

Schwartz Books

The Elegant Farmer

5906 West Vliet Street

2559 N. Downer Ave.

1545 Main St Mukwonago 

Our local home for classic movies predates most of them and features the best popcorn and prices in town. Milwaukee's largest locally owned bookstore chain offers a welcome break from the national chains. The East side location is the coziest. Sits next to a small train that you can ride and offers hay rides, but you'll drive from miles away to get one of the pies baked in a bag. 

Avalon Theater

Theater X WMSE Student Radio

158 N. Broadway

2473 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.

91.7 FM
Continuing the recent preservation trend in the city, this 1920s gem has recently shifted its focus from showing budget films to becoming an outstanding concert venue. Theater troupe showcases local premiers, avant-garde, and a late night series in a small black box-like setting. Usually the most original theater in town. This is the best college radio station in the country. Best times: Saturday morning, Thursday evening, and ...... Sunday morning big band music!


3100 N. Downer Ave.

This internationally acclaimed gallery on the UW-M campus features cutting edge art that is guaranteed to make your head turn.

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